WordPress support for your website

A website is like a living being. It needs care and attention and regular care.

Your WordPress website

The hosting, maintenance and updating of the content must all be the same

A lot of things have to interact before a website is up and running. Even if it is very easy to create a website today, many different processes run in the background. In addition, there is daily maintenance: Issues such as software updates, backups, security and much more require regular attention.

This page briefly explains what you are dealing with as the operator of a WordPress website.

Your web hosting can be compared to a garage where you «park» your website.

Your hoster takes care of hosting your website. You provide and maintain the hardware, enable your domain to be set up and connect to the Internet, and take care of other things such as email hosting, FTP access and many other technical tasks.

The Website update is comparable to the regular service for your car (the website).

You can do this regular maintenance yourself or call in an expert service partner. Your hoster does not do this or only to a limited extent, because you yourself are responsible for your website. Typical tasks are:

  • External fuses
  • Data security
  • Update of all components
  • optimization

We can do this part for you. However, we cannot check, ensure or correct everything 100% at all times. This is because a WordPress website consists of many individual parts. The interaction of these parts is slightly different for each website. Regular updates are necessary, so keep your website constantly moving. Therefore, regularly check if your website is working as you expect it to. If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you.

Here we go! You are responsible for the Website content. This is your car, so to speak. You determine which model you want to drive and where you want to go. You sit at the wheel and write articles, upload pictures, answer inquiries from customers and visitors, create news and record newsletters and many other things.

In short: you fill your website with life and relevant information.

WordPress support subscription

We offer:

  • Inexpensive support subscriptions for a comprehensive service
  • Privacy: We do not use any external services as much as possible and we host functions directly on your website.

Support subscriptions

  • Light: Local backups (on your server), CHF 15 / month, billed annually in advance.
  • Standard: External backups (up to 1.5GB), CHF 20 / month, billed annually in advance.
  • Professional: External backups (up to 3GB), CHF 30 / month, billed annually in advance.

All support subscriptions include: regular updates of all components, backups (local / external according to subscription), optimizations for security, speed, images. We check your website 5-7 times a week.


Contributions to WordPress

Make more of your website!

How to keep your WordPress website secure

How to keep your WordPress website secure

Your WordPress website

Manage your WordPress website more easily with services from Kursiv.